You are here: 1. Distribution System > 1.9. REPORTS Menu > 1.9.2. Reports - Report Generator > Report Generator - Options Menu > Options - Relations
Options - Relations

Before data from multiple files can be used by a report, you must first define a report relation. This relation enables the Report Generator to seek out this information based on the report relation linkage and returns the resulting information correctly.

Relations can be added to the relation list and can expand like a tree structure. For example, the Debtors Invoice Header relation is linked to the Debtors Invoice Line relation, and the Debtors Invoice Line relation links to the Debtors Invoice Serial file.

To setup the report relations:

  1. Create a new report or load an existing one.

Refer to "Creating a New Report", "Using the Report Wizard" or "Loading an Existing Report".

Micronet displays the Report Generator screen.


Micronet displays the Relations screen.

  1. If you want to:

If you selected to add or edit a relation, Micronet displays the Edit Relations screen.

  1. Complete the following fields:






Select the relation.



Select the type of relation. Options are:

  • Next line - data from those relations are displayed on the next line of the report
  • Same line - data from those relations are displayed on the same line of the report
  • Horizontally - records are printed across the page
  • Same Line Suppress - similar to same line and only displays records which contain records in the detail relation
  • Next Line Suppress - similar to next line and only displays records which contain records in the details relation.




  1. Select the Accept button.

Micronet redisplays the Relations screen showing the relation you setup.

  1. Repeat the steps above to enter more relations if required.
  2. When you have finished, select the Exit button.

Micronet redisplays the Report Generator screen.